
Friday, 24 August 2012


Meningitis is the inflammation of the coverings around the brain and  spinal cord.It is mainly caused due to bacterial and viral infections thus the meningitis is of two types  
  • Viral meningitis fairly common
  • Bacterial meningitis which is not common but very severe


  • May be caused by virus, bacteria, other organisms and due to some medicines which is very rare
  • The germs that cause meningitis can be spread from person to person


  • A stiff and painful neck
  • fever
  • headache
  • vomiting
  • seizures
  • photo phobia (intolerance to bright light)
  • phonophobia (intolerance to loud noises)

FOR  any patient who is suspected of having meningitis ,it is important to perform a lumbar puncture, in which spinal fluid known as CSF is collected for testing. Tests that may be done include

  • Blood culture
  • chest X-Ray
  • CSF examination for cell count,glucose,and protiens
  • CT scan of head
  • Gram stain
Bacterial or severe viral meningitis may require treatment in a hospital including

  • ANTIBIOTICS are given through vein but only when it is Bacterial meningitis else the usage of antibiotics when they are not needed may cause drug resistance
  • CORTICOSTEROIDS medicines such as  dexamethasone may be given in order to reduce pressure within the brain
  • Measures such as ACETAMINOPHEN is given in order to reduce fever
  • medicines such as PHENOBARBITAL OR DILANTIN can be given to reduce seizures
  • Oxygen Therapy may be given if the patient have trouble breathing and to increase the amount of oxygen in all parts of the body


Human Immuno Deficiency virus infection/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/ AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by Human Immunodeficiency virus(HIV)

  • HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated blood transfusion and hypodermic needles,and from mother to child during pregnancy,delivery or breast feeding
  • some body fluids such as saliva and tears do not transmit HIV
  • prevention of HIV infection primarily through safe sex and needle exchange programs is a key strategy to control the disease
  • The PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of aids is complex.
  • ultimately HIV causes AIDS by depleting CD4+ T cells.
  • This weakens the immune system and allows opportunistic infection(infections caused by pathogens).
  • Tcells are essential to the immune response and without them the body cannot fight infections (or) kill cancerous cells.
  • thus weakening of CD4 T cells mainly includes the function of HIV virus
HIV infection is commonly diagnosed by blood tests. there are three main types of tests that are commonly used
  1. HIV antibody test
  2. RNA tests
  3. combination test that detects both antibodies and a piece of the virus called P24 protien
These are the referred symptoms for aids and the details are as follows:
  • ENCEPHALITIS is an acute inflammation of brain which can be observed by noticing the patient in a confused state and can be diagnosed by testing the brain
  • MENINGITIS is the inflammation of the protective membranes of brain and spinal cord
  • RETINITIS is the viral infection of retina which results in blurred vision and blindness
  • PNEUMOCYSTIS pneumonia is a type of pneumonia caused by yeast like fungus and mostly effects the condition of lungs
  • esophagitis is the infection of esophagus
The most commonly used medication for aids is
Brand NameDrug Names (INN)Date of FDA ApprovalCompany
Combivirzidovudine + lamivudineSeptember 26, 1997GlaxoSmithKline
Trizivirabacavir + zidovudine + lamivudineNovember 15, 2000GlaxoSmithKline
Kaletralopinavir + ritonavirSeptember 15, 2000Abbott Laboratories
Epzicom (in USA)
Kivexa (in Europe)
abacavir + lamivudineAugust 2, 2004GlaxoSmithKline
Truvadatenofovir/emtricitabineAugust 2, 2004Gilead Sciences
Atriplaefavirenz + tenofovir/emtricitabineJuly 12, 2006Gilead Sciences and
Bristol-Myers Squibb

symptoms of ANEMIA

Anemia is defined as the condition of having a lower than normal number of red blood cells or less quantity of heamoglobin than normal

  •  yes,anemia may be genetic hereditary disorder which can  shorten the               life span of the red blood cells and lead to anemia( sickle cell anemia)

  • Anemia is usually detected or at least confirmed by a complete blood cell count and comparing the reports with standards which are as follows
Anemia condition
Hb levels
Normal condition
Mild anemia
Moderate anemia
Severe anemia

  • vit B12 deficiency can cause anemia
  • blood loss which is main cause for women due to menstruation
  • other causes include chronic diseases like AIDS,cancer etc...
  •  pregnancy condition may also result in anemia because if the mother is not able to produce enough RBC for both herself & child then it may result in anemia


  • oral iron supplementation with ferrous sulphate, ferrous fumarate,(or) ferrousgluconate
  • parentral iron when oral iron proves ineffective.the iron in parentral route can be given concurrently with ERYTHROPOIETIN
  • Blood transfusion may also sometimes include treatment but not much recommended by physician
  •  vitamin supplements given orally ( folicacid or intramuscular vit B12) will replace specific deficiencies

side effects of NICOTINE

NICOTINE is an known alkaloid used in preparation of cigarette due to its stimulant activity in mammals and acts as    agonist for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. and this activity is mainly responsible for its dependance forming activities.
  • nicotine is mainly named after the plant NICOTIANA tabacum belongs to the family SOLANACEAE
  • NICOTINE dependence can be reduced by using low dose nicotinic gums
  • apart from these harmful effects some research studies reveal that usage of nicotine have reduced the chances for breast cancer
  • recent studies in 2011 have found that nicotine inhibits CHROMATIN MODIFYING ENZYMES which increases the ability of coccaine to cause addiction
  • the high usage of nicotine can lead the victim to fatal

side effects of OXYCODONE

  • OXYCODONE is an analgesic medication
  • it can also be used in treating severe diarrhea and in pain killing medication
  • it has severe withdrawal effects so should be discontinued gradually rather than abruptly
  • OXYCODONE and its metabolites are mainly excreted in the urine and sweat therefore it accumulates in  patients with renal impairment
OVERDOSE of OXYCODONE is very dangerous and leads to death immediate treatment for OXYCODONE poisoning is must which includes the following
  • if the overdose was recent,a healthcare provider may "pump"the stomach, induce vomiting or administer activated charcoal to prevent the body from absorbing OXYCODONE
  • An antidote like naloxone  or  narcan may be administered to counteract any overdose effects of oxycodone