
Friday, 24 August 2012


Meningitis is the inflammation of the coverings around the brain and  spinal cord.It is mainly caused due to bacterial and viral infections thus the meningitis is of two types  
  • Viral meningitis fairly common
  • Bacterial meningitis which is not common but very severe


  • May be caused by virus, bacteria, other organisms and due to some medicines which is very rare
  • The germs that cause meningitis can be spread from person to person


  • A stiff and painful neck
  • fever
  • headache
  • vomiting
  • seizures
  • photo phobia (intolerance to bright light)
  • phonophobia (intolerance to loud noises)

FOR  any patient who is suspected of having meningitis ,it is important to perform a lumbar puncture, in which spinal fluid known as CSF is collected for testing. Tests that may be done include

  • Blood culture
  • chest X-Ray
  • CSF examination for cell count,glucose,and protiens
  • CT scan of head
  • Gram stain
Bacterial or severe viral meningitis may require treatment in a hospital including

  • ANTIBIOTICS are given through vein but only when it is Bacterial meningitis else the usage of antibiotics when they are not needed may cause drug resistance
  • CORTICOSTEROIDS medicines such as  dexamethasone may be given in order to reduce pressure within the brain
  • Measures such as ACETAMINOPHEN is given in order to reduce fever
  • medicines such as PHENOBARBITAL OR DILANTIN can be given to reduce seizures
  • Oxygen Therapy may be given if the patient have trouble breathing and to increase the amount of oxygen in all parts of the body

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